Rapid Vitamin Push for the Busy Executive

As a busy executive, it’s all too easy for your well-being to take a backseat behind your career. When your schedule is hectic and consumed by work, it can be very difficult to find the time for wellness treatments and self-care. That’s why we’re happy to offer the Rapid Vitamin Push at The IV-Suite. Administered in just over one minute, this vitamin push is one of the speediest, most convenient ways to boost your overall health.

Benefits of the Rapid Vitamin Push


IV pushes are faster than IV drip therapy. While our Rapid Vitamin Push is administered in just over one minute, most IV drips take 30 to 60 minutes. Specialized IV drips take up to three hours. This makes IV pushes much more convenient for busy executives and other professionals with packed schedules. With the Rapid Vitamin Push, you don’t need an hour of spare time to spend at our center. You could even get your vitamin boost on your lunch break!

Higher Energy Levels

As an executive with many responsibilities, it’s important to keep your energy levels up throughout the day. If you find that you’re in need of an energy boost, the Rapid Vitamin Push can help. It contains a proprietary blend of 24 vitamins, minerals, and amino acids to support your body’s energy levels and metabolic process. With this minute-long treatment, you’ll avoid fading at the end of long meetings. 

Improved Immune Function

With many professional responsibilities, we know that you don’t have time to be sidelined by a cold, stomach bug, or infection. However, long workdays can wear down your immune system, potentially increasing your risk of getting sick. The vitamins, minerals, and amino acids in the Rapid Vitamin Push support a strong immune system so that you won’t be sidelined by sickness. 

If you’re interested in the benefits of the Rapid Vitamin Push, contact The IV-Suite today.