How IV Therapy is Used in Addiction Treatments

IV therapy has become a trusted treatment for ailments ranging from headaches to hangovers to fatigue and more. But, beyond these everyday concerns, it can also be a valuable tool for patients aiming to overcome addiction. 

Recovering from addiction is no small feat. But, it’s a crucial one to restore your mental and physical well-being. IV therapy is a detoxifying remedy that can simplify your path to sobriety. 

Read on to learn more about how IV therapy is used in addiction treatments. 

Reduce Withdrawal Symptoms

IV therapy is often used to help patients manage withdrawal symptoms during addiction recovery. The fluids and nutrients delivered directly to the bloodstream in IV therapy can lessen the severity of these symptoms, such as fatigue, mood swings, nausea, and cravings, among other symptoms. Additionally, IV formulas re-energize and rehydrate the body, often giving patients renewed strength to withstand withdrawal symptoms. 

Address Nutrient Deficiencies

Addiction can deplete your body’s nutrient stores, potentially leading to deficiencies. Additionally, while in the throes of addiction, people are less likely to eat a balanced, nutrient-rich diet.

IV therapy floods your bloodstream with healing nutrients, helping to correct deficiencies and prime your body for a successful recovery. 

Lessen Anxiety

Anxiety is a prevalent concern during the addiction treatment process. Oftentimes, individuals who struggle with substance abuse also experience mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression. 

Multiple IV treatments are formulated to alleviate anxiety. The Myers Cocktail, in particular, helps with anxiety symptoms by delivering a good dose of magnesium and B vitamins. IV NAD+ promotes mood stabilization by supporting cellular health. It also increases levels of serotonin in the brain, a “feel good” chemical that can improve symptoms of both anxiety and depression. 

If you’re working toward complete recovery from substance addiction, IV therapy is a supplemental treatment to consider. Contact The IV-Suite to learn more!