Can B12 Shots Support Your Immune System

Vitamin B12 is an essential, water-soluble vitamin that isn’t produced by the body. It has several functions throughout the body, from nourishing the nervous system to forming DNA and even producing healthy red blood cells. This vitamin also plays a role in converting food to energy, making it one of the driving forces of your metabolism. 

Vitamin B12 For The Immune System

A vitamin B12 deficiency can result in a condition known as pernicious anemia. With this condition, patients have dysfunctional red blood cells with a limited ability to carry oxygen throughout the body. Without enough oxygen or energy, your immune system can’t function at its best.

With this in mind, vitamin B12 is an essential building block to maintain immune system health. 

How To Consume Enough Vitamin B12

A balanced diet can meet your daily vitamin B12 needs. Foods like beef, eggs, shellfish, fortified grains, and dairy products are excellent sources of vitamin B12. Unfortunately, diets including veganism or vegetarianism put people at risk for vitamin B12 deficiency. 

For some, getting the recommended vitamin B12 intake can be difficult and it may lead to symptoms of deficiency including:

  • Decreased vision
  • Heart palpitations
  • Changes in mood
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Numbness of the limbs
  • Tiredness
  • Constipation
  • Headaches
  • Loss of brain function

In individuals with inadequate vitamin B12 intake, it’s recommended to get vitamin B12 shots. The shot is administered directly into the bloodstream and bypasses the digestive system for rapid results. For this reason, people with digestive problems or who’re unable to take oral supplements are excellent candidates for vitamin B12 shots

Vitamin B12 shots may also be used to aid your recovery from illnesses or colds. Along with boosting your immune system, vitamin B12 shots can elevate your mood and energy levels. 

At The IV-Suite, we offer vitamin B12 shots to our patients as an instant way to uplift your mood, boost your energy, and support your immune system. Contact us to schedule an appointment