How IV Therapy Can Help with Mental Health

Whether you’ve been diagnosed with a mental health condition or struggle with occasional stress and anxiety, your mental health is key to your overall wellness. While mental health is intrinsically linked to physical health and longevity, it often falls by the wayside. 

One simple way to prioritize your mental health is with IV therapy. By delivering targeted nutrients that support mental wellness directly to the bloodstream, IV therapy is a valuable addition to your healthy lifestyle. 

NAD+ IV Therapy for Mental Health

NAD+ is one of the most widely recommended nutrients for mental health support in IV therapy. It’s a coenzyme the body produces naturally, but production declines with age.

Supplementing NAD+ with IV therapy improves mood, cognition, sleep quality, and energy levels. These benefits may help with symptoms of various mental health concerns, including anxiety, depression, and chronic stress. 

B Vitamins for Mental Health

IV therapy containing B vitamins supports mood and brain health. B vitamins (including vitamins B12 and B9) help the brain produce serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitters essential for mental health. Serotonin is the “feel-good” brain chemical that affects mood, while dopamine contributes to feelings of motivation and satisfaction.  

Magnesium for Mental Health

Magnesium is a mineral that’s essential for many bodily functions. It also plays a key role in mental health. 

By regulating the release of cortisol, the body’s stress hormone, magnesium can help you achieve a calmer mindset. It can also boost your mood and relax muscle tension, a common physical symptom of stress and anxiety. In clinical studies, magnesium supplementation has been proven to positively affect depression in adults. 

Ready to prioritize your mental health with IV therapy? At The IV-Suite, our experienced team will help you find the best concentration of nutrients for your needs. Call (407)497-9355 today to get started!