How IV Therapy Helps with IBS

IBS, or irritable bowel syndrome, affects an estimated 10 to 15% of adults. This common gastrointestinal condition involves abdominal discomfort and irregular bowel movements. It can cause a variety of uncomfortable symptoms, including constipation, gas, diarrhea, and bloating. 

Typically, IBS is treated with lifestyle adjustments, medications, and mental health treatment to alleviate stress. However, IV therapy can also provide notable benefits for IBS without the side effects and potential complications associated with prescription drugs. 

IV Therapy for IBS

IV therapy can help with several of the potential causes of IBS, including:

Nutrient Deficiencies

Certain nutrient deficiencies can contribute to IBS, including zinc and vitamin D. By restoring levels of these important nutrients, IV therapy can help prevent IBS symptoms like upset stomach and diarrhea.


Stress is known to contribute to IBS. When levels of cortisol (the primary stress hormone) are elevated, it can cause the colon to spasm. These spasms can cause IBS symptoms like stomach cramps and abdominal pain. 

Several nutrients are known to support stress relief and overall mental wellness, including magnesium, vitamin C, and B vitamins. 

Gut Health

The gut-brain axis and the gut microbiome are thought to affect IBS. If the bad bacteria in the gut outnumber the good bacteria, it can trigger a flare-up in IBS symptoms. 

IV therapy can support your gut health by delivering a potent dose of nutrients directly to the bloodstream. Many nutrients support the gut microbiome, including vitamin C, vitamin D, B vitamins, and magnesium.  

Adding IV Therapy to Your IBS Treatment Plan

When combined with dietary and lifestyle adjustments, IV therapy has the potential to soothe IBS symptoms and prevent flare-ups. By optimizing your nutrient levels, regular IV therapy sessions can improve your overall digestive health. Reach out to The IV-Suite today to learn more about IV therapy for digestive discomfort.