What Is Ozone Autohemotherapy?

Oxidative therapy, such as ozone autohemotherapy, are methods to administer ozone to the body for greater overall wellness. How exactly does ozone autohemotherapy work? Read on to learn more. 

Ozone for Optimal Health

Oxygen is vital for every cell in the body to function properly. In fact, the human body can’t survive without oxygen for more than a few minutes. 90 Percent of the body’s energy production depends on oxygen, and cellular oxygenation must be present to keep the body in good health. 

Ozone is a form of oxygen that can effectively restore the body’s ideal oxygen levels. In ozone therapy, ozone gas is administered to the bloodstream. This allows for the rapid return to optimal cellular oxygenation. There are multiple methods of ozone therapy, including ozone autohemotherapy. 

Ozone Autohemotherapy

In ozone autohemotherapy, the patient’s blood is first withdrawn from the vein into an IV bag. Then, in the bag, ozone is infused into the blood. After the blood and ozone are fully combined, the mixture will be added back into the bloodstream through the vein. 

In ozone autohemotherapy, ozone is externally combined with the blood, so ozone doesn’t actually enter the bloodstream. Instead, the act of mixing the blood with ozone creates a biological byproduct, which provides healing benefits to the body. 

Applications of Ozone Autohemotherapy

Ozone autohemotherapy is a therapeutic treatment that can be used for an extensive array of conditions and diseases. Diseases impacting the immune system, cardiovascular system, and circulatory system, as well as chronic infections, can all be positively impacted by ozone autohemotherapy. Ozone autohemotherapy has also been shown to be a complementary concept in oncology for the treatment of cancer. 

We provide ozone autohemotherapy as part of our selection of ozone services at The IV-Suite. Contact us to learn if this treatment could work for you.